Vrindavan also spelt Vrindaban and Brindaban, is a historical city in the Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh, India. It is one of the most sacred places in Vaishnavism. It is located in the Braj Bhoomi region, and is where, according to Hinduism, Krishna spent most of his childhood days. The city is about 11 km from Mathura, Krishna’s birthplace on the Agra–Delhi National Highway as NH-44. The town hosts many temples dedicated to the worship of Radha and Krishna
7 Goswami temples of Vrindavan

Established in 1542 by Jiva Goswami this temple is located at Seva Kunj. The founder acharya of International society for Krishna Consciousness, Srila Prabhupada, spent his time here meditating on his mission and doing bhajans before establishing the society.

Built by Visvanath Cakravarti, a vaisnava scholar and poet, the temple houses the deity of Sri Radha Vinod worshiped by Lokanath Goswami (one of the contemporaries of the Six Goswamis), a Govardhana shila gifted by Lord Chaitanya to Raghunath Dasa Gosvami, the deity of Sri Vijaya Govinda worshiped by Baladeva Vidyabhusana, and a stone with the thumbprint of Lord Chaitanya.

This temple is a few minutes’ walk from Govindaji’s temple, was founded by Madhu Pandit Goswami, and its marvelous construction reveals a glorious past. Gopinatha, the presiding deity was first installed 5,000 years ago by Vajranabha, Lord Krishna’s grandson, and rediscovered at Vamsi-vata by Paramananda Goswami.

This is one of the most important temples for Gaudiya Vaishnavas. Established by Sri Syamananda Pandit the deity itself was gifted to him by Srimati Radharani, the consort of Lord Krishna, who had manifested it from her heart.

Constructed at the request of Gopala Bhatta Goswami in the sixteenth century, Radha Raman temple is one of the most exquisitely crafted and revered temples of Vrindavan “Radha Ramana” means “one who gives pleasure to Radha”, and Radha Ramana is one of the few original deities still left in Vrindavan. The fires for cooking in the temple kitchen have been burning continuously since the Deity was installed over 460 years ago and the cooking still follows cookbooks from that time.

Sri-Sri Radha Govinda at Yoga-pitha are the main Deities of the Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya, because They accept the devotee’s service and inspire ever-increasing surrender and loving devotion. Yoga-pitha means the meeting place or the place where a devotee can connect with Krsna and His eternal associates. The means of connection is surrendered devotional service for the pleasure of Lord Govinda, as most perfectly exemplified in the selfless actions of Srimati Radharani and the gopis.

This 60 foot high temple was opened in 1580 on a 50 foot hill called Dvadasaditya Tila, next to the Yamuna. Built by Ram Das Kapur at the request of Sanatana Goswami this was the first temple to be built in Vrindavan, which at that time was just a forest. The deity of Krishna (Madana Mohana) was discovered by Sanatana Goswami. Worshiped along with Madana Mohana are Radharani and Lalita Sakhi.
Other important places to visit

Govardhan is located around 21 km from Vrindavan as well as Mathura. Govardhan Hill (or Govardhan Parvat) was lifted by Krishna to protect the vrajvasis from the thunderous rains of Indra.
The village comes under the Mathura District (Uttar Pradesh State) with a part of it being in Rajasthan State as well. The Govardhan Hill is in the list of places protected by Green Tribunal of Government of India.
Thousands of devotees perform Govardhan Parikrama on a regular basis, and especially on festivals like Govardhan Puja, Kartik, Purusottam and Guru Purnima.

Barsana is the eternal residence of Sri Radha. It is located around 52 Km from Mathura and around 120 Km from New Delhi.
The very name Barsana means “falling, scattering or spreading.” The meaning of Barsana as explained by saints here is that mercy and karuna (compassion, love) of Srimat Radharani is spreading, falling or scattering here on everybody.
Radhastami or Appearance Day of Srimati Radharani is celebrated in Barsana every year in a very grand manner. Around half million devotees visit the Radharani Temple atop Vrishbhanu Garh Hill in Barsana on eve of Radhastami festival.
Radha Kund

Radha Kund is a village located in Govardhan. Spiritually, it is considered as the highest place in the entire creation and is non-different from Srimati Radharani, the pleasure potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna.
There are two kund’s (lakes) here – Radha Kund and Shyam Kund.
For Gaudiya Vaishnavas and vrajavasis, Sri Radha Kund is the most important object of worship, love and devotion.It is around 21 km from both Mathura Railway Station as well as Vrindavan.Taking a dip at Sri Radha Kund assures one of vraja-prema-bhakti

Mathura is located around 160 Km from New Delhi. It is at Mathura where the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krishna appeared on the earth (bhuloka) as the son of Vasudev and Devaki5000 years ago to teach the world prema-bhakti and to establish the principles of dharma (religious principles).
Mathura was ruled by Kansa, who had imprisoned his father Maharaja Agrasen, his sister Devaki, brother-in-law Vasudev and was a cruel ruler who troubled the citizens of Mathura.

Gokul is located around 10 km from Mathura and is the place where Krishna spent the early part of His childhood in the care of his foster parents Nanda Baba and Yasoda Maiya.
Gokul is untouched with modern developments and feels very nature-friendly and quiet place to be. It retains that traditional vibe till date.
It is at Gokul where Krishna had killed the demon Putana and Trinavrata.

Nandgaon is a village located around 9 km from Barsana and is the place which was constructed by Nand Baba on the hilltop to protect the baby Krishna from the attacks of demons sent by Kansa on a daily basis.
Krishna spent his growing years here at Nandgaon. There is a big beautiful temple atop the Nandishwara Hill (Parvat) here.

Raval is the birthplace of Srimati Radharani. It is located 13 km from Mathura.
It is at Raval that Srimati Radharani was found in a lotus flower by Vrishabhanu Baba. There is a small temple made up here and the entire village of Raval retains a very traditional vibe to it. You really feel connected and blissful just by entering Raval.
Vrinda Kund

Vrinda Kund is located around 3 km from Nandgaon. It is the village of Vrinda Devi, who is none other than Tulsi Maharani. It is Vrinda Devi who arranges all the passtimes of Radha and Krishna.
There is an annual Tulsi Vivah festival celebrated at Vrinda Kund in Kartik every year.