Our Puri



Yoga Pitha: Birthplace of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu;  Neem tree where Lord Caitanya appeared. Next to the tree is a small hut with the Deities of Jagannatha Misra (father) & Sacimata (mother) holding baby Nimai on lap; Deities of Gaura-Gadadhara and Laksmi-Nrsimhadeva installed by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura;  Gaura-Kunda, on the side of the Temple, has been compared in its glories to Radha-kunda & Syama-kunda in Vrindavana. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura excavated it in 1920;  Two Siva-lingas – Gopisvara Siva who admits one to Lord’s service. And Ksetrapala-Sivawho is the protector of the dhama. It is recommended that devotees pray to these Deities at the beginning of their Parikrama that the dhama & Gaura-prema be revealed within their hearts.
Srivasa Angan: This is the “Birthplace of Harinam Sankirtan”. Lord Caitanya danced in the bliss of Kirtanawith His eternal associates at Srivasa Angan the rasa-sthali of Navadwipa, in the same way that Lord Sri Krishna danced with the gopis in the groves of Vraja. Srivasa Pandita represents the pure devotees of the Lord.This place is also known as “Khol banga danga”, the place where mrdanga was broken by Chand Kazi to stop Harinam Sankirtana.
Advaita Bhavan: This is famous as the place where Advaita Acharya’s loud heart-felt calls to the Lord, compelled Him to appear as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu & inaugurate the Sankirtana mission
Gadadhara Angan: Gadadhara Pandita has been described as an incarnation of Srimati Radharani’s dyuti(effulgence). As young boys, Lord Caitanya and Gadadhara Pandita were inseparable but, in direct contrast to Lord Caitanya, Gadadhara Pandita was quiet and sober. Gadadhara Pandita’s was always absorbed in thoughts of Krishna and always speaking Krishna-katha in the association of devotees.
Sri Caitanya Matha: Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura Samadhi & Bhajan Kutir; Sri Sri Radha Gandharvika-Giridhari, the Deities installed by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura; Gaura-kisora Das Babaji’s Samadhi;  Radha-kunda, Shyama-kunda;  Candrasekhara Bhavan;

Murari Gupta’s house: Sri Sri Radha-Madhava Astasakhi, Pancha-Tattva & Lord Nrsimhadeva Temple,  Srila Prabhupada Puspa-samadhi Temple,  Srila Prabhupada Bhajan-kutir – Srila Prabhupada stayed here from 1972-76. 24 hr Kirtana takes place here following Srila Prabhupada’s instruction that there be continuous chanting of the Holy Name in the dhama,  Gurukul and MIHET (Mayapur Institute of Higher Education & Training),  Goshala
Isodhyan: This is Nanda Acarya’s house. This is the house where Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Nityananda met for the first time.


Chand Kazi Samadhi: Chand Kazi was the Chief Magistrate of Navadwipa. He was a devout & strict Muslim and he oppressed Hindus in their religious practices. Angry that Hindus were not obeying his order forbidding Kirtana, Chand Kazi went with 2 boats of soldiers to Srivasa Pandita’s house to personally enforce his ordinance. He confiscated their instruments and broke mrdanga. He then threatened imprisonment and conversion into a Muslim for anyone who disobeyed his order again.
Understanding the plight of devotees, Caitanya Mahaprabhu called everyone together & told them, “I shall perform sankirtana in every town and village. Therefore decorate all the streets & houses of the city and then gather in the evening carrying torchlights. Let us see what kind of Kazi comes to stop our Kirtana.”
Champaka tree at Chand Kazi Samadhi witnessed this pastime with the Lord. Even though truck of this tree is hallow, it is still in full bloom and gives champaka flowers all year round, even when it is not flowering season.
Rajapur Lord Jagannatha Temple: Several very important pastimes with Lord Jagannatha took place here
Kolaveca Sridhara’s place: Kolaveca Sridhara is an eternal associate of Lord Caitanya & is very dear to Him. He is known as Kolaveca Sridhara because he made his living by selling kola (banana) leaves, plants, stalks & plates. He was so poor that he lived in a broken down hut and did not even had proper utensils for cooking. Despite his impoverished condition, Sridhara faithfully spent 50% of his earnings to worship Ganga. He was constantly engrossed in chanting Lord’s Holy Names. He chanted loudly all night. This upset his atheistic neighbours who complained, “That poor vagabond cannot fill his belly during day and now he is keeping us awake at night with his pangs of hunger.”
Sridhara always charged fair price for his products but this did not prevent Nimai from arguing & fighting with him to get His goods for half price or free. “I am sure you have immense wealth hidden somewhere and that you are relishing opulent food in secret”, accused Lord. “Soon I will make this known to everyone & then we will see how you are cheating people”. “Come to my house dear learned brahmana,” invited Sridhara, “and see for Yourself. We should not start argument here.” Nimai countered, “I am not going to let you off so easily. Tell Me what you are going to feed Me.” “I make a simple living selling leaf cup,” replied Sridhara, “What can I offer You from such an income, respected brahmana?” “I am not going to touch your hidden wealth now,” assured Nimai, “but if you give Me some banana roots & stalks rights now for free, then I will not fight with you anymore.”
Sridhara decided it would be his good fortune to give this restless & insolent brahmana some goods free despite his own poor condition. “Dear brahmana” he said “please take banana & stalks that I have, but please do not fight anymore.” “Yes this is a good agreement” said Nimai “There should be no further fights, but please see to it that I get good quality banana” At other times Nimai would grab some of Sridhara’s wares but give only ½ price. Sridhara would then snatch goods back out of Nimai’s hands & another argument would start. Sridhara would tell “Are there not other suppliers besides me? Please purchase from them at a cheaper price.” Nimai would reply “I cannot give up such a steady supplier as you so easily.” Nimai would sometimes tell him that He was the source of Ganga whom he worshiped so faithfully. Sridhara would cover his ears & cry out “Krishna, Krishna!” Sridhara captivated by Lord’s charm and beauty could not recognize that Nimai was actually the worshipable Lord of his heart. Lord received immense joy from these love-fights and would not let a day pass without visiting His dear devotee.
Lord Caitanya revealed His supreme form as Krishna in Vrindavana with Radharani during Hismaha-prakasa pastime at Srivasa Pandita’s house. Mahaprabhu told him, “You have spent many lifetimes in My service & in this lifetime you have rendered Me ample service. I have tasted youkola countless times and often snatched things from your hands. Have you forgotten joking exchanges we had?” Sridhara swooned & became unsteady in intense ecstasy. He then prayed that pastimes and lotus feet of insolent brahmana who continually stole his kola always be manifested in his heart.”


Nrsimapalli: This is famous since Satya-yuga when Lord Nrsimhadeva came to rest here after killing Hiranyakasipu;
Next to the Temple is a lake left behind by Mandakani River that flowed here at that time. When Lord Nrsimhadeva arrived here, He drank the sweet waters of this river to refresh Himself & also washed the blood of Hiranyakasipu from His hands;
Ama Ghata: Once while performing Kirtana, Lord Caitanya noticed the devotees becoming tired. He stopped the Kirtana & planted a mango seed in the ground at this spot. Within minutes, a huge mango tree grew covered in big, beautiful, red & yellow mangoes that had no skin or seeds. Caitanya Mahaprabhu picked around 200 mangoes, one for each devotee. He washed them and offered all to Krishna. Gaurasundara then ate one mango and after washing His hands, distributed the rest to devotees.
Hari-Hara Ksetra: Lord Siva is the topmost Vaishnava & is constantly rendering service to Lord Krishna. Srimad-Bhagavatam describes that after killing some demons, Lord Krishna’s sudarsana chakra burnt down Lord Siva’s city of Kasi. Lord Siva left that city & took refuge here, so this place is also known as Maha-Kasi. Lord Visnu manifested Himself in the form of Hari-Hara – half Visnu & half Siva to show how dear Lord Siva is to Him. In 1997 some thieves tried to steal Him. Next day, a fox came to some children who were playing near the Temple. This was most unusual so the children followed this fox & were led to where Hari-Hara had been abandoned in a nearby field. During investigations, a court case arose & Hari-Hara spent 4 years residing in Krishnanagar Police station with a case number tag tied to His finger that previously held Sudarshana chakra. An unknown women came every day to offer Hari-Hara fresh water & incense. Hari-Hara returned to the Temple in 2001 amidst a grand festival organized by ISKCON and others.
Suvarna Bihar Gaudiya Math: Palace ruins of Satya-yuga King Sena and devotee who served as Buddhimata Khan in Gaura-lila. Beautiful Deities of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava also reside here.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s house: House were Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura lived. There are also the Deities of Gaura-Gadadhara which His Divine Grace worshiped. Gaurakishora Dasa Babaji bhajan-kutir is also here.
Surabhi Kunja: Surabhi cow resides here eternally. Wonderful pastimes related to Markendaya Rsi also took place here. This is also the place where Lord Nityananda established the headquarters for His nama-hatta preaching.


Hamsa-Vahana: Deity of Lord Siva residing on Lord Brahma’s swan carrier.
Naimisaranya Forest: Where Lord Siva, Saunaka Rsi and sages heard Gaura-Bhagavatam, the pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu from Suta Gosvami.
Brahmana Puskara: Interesting pastimes with a Brahmana who wanted to visit Puskara in Rajasthan but was told by Lord Brahma that original Puskara is in Navadvipa.
Uccahatta & Kurukshetra: Uccahatta & Kurukshetra are also here.
Pancaveni & Gauranga bridge: This is the place where 5 rivers Alaknanda, Mandakini, Yamuna, Manasi Ganga, & Sarasvati confluence with Ganga.


Dharmesvara Mahaprabhu Bari Temple: Original Deity of that Visnupriya, wife of Lord Caitanya, worshiped for 80 years after Lord Caitanya took sannyasa. Visnupriya was 16 years old when Gauranga Mahaprabhu left & she worshiped this Deity as her husband until she passed away at the age of 96.
There are also wooden shoes of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu given to Visnupriya which she worshipped until she passed away.
Jagannatha Dasa Babaji Bhajana Kutir & Samadhi: Jagannatha Dasa Babaji was one of the greatest in the disciplic succession. He lived for 146 years and in later years carried in the basket. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Gaurakishora Dasa Babaji & Jagannatha Dasa Babaji used to meet daily and discuss Krishna-katha.
Samudragarh: Wonderful pastimes related to a great devotee king, Samudra Sena who with his great devotion forced Lord Krishna to appear took place here.


Champahatti: Champakalata Sakhi’s grove & Jayadeva Goswami’s pastimes took place here.
Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya’s house: Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya’s house and school of logic.
Vidyanagara Gaudiya Matha: Vidyanagara Gaudiya Matha. This place has trees that manifested from pens planted by Lord Caitanya. They do not belong to any known species.
Radha-kunda & Syama-kunda: Hidden Radha-kunda & Syama-kunda


Bhisma Tila: Pastimes related to Bhismadeva took place here


Madana-Gopala Temple & Saranga Deva Gaudiya Math: Beautiful Deities: Sri Sri Madana-Gopala & Srimati Radharani which were worshiped byVasudeva Datta; Sri Sri Gaura-Gadadhara, the Deities of Puri Gosvami; Sri Sri Radha-Gopinathawho were worshiped by Saranga Murari das; Siddha-Bakula tree
Vasudeva Datta’s house: Vasudeva Datta was a very liberal Vaisnava who would spent all his money for the worship of his beloved Deity, Madana Gopala, without any consideration of future expenses in spite of the difficulties for his family. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has such affection for Vasudeva Datta, He vowed on 3 separate occasions that He belonged to Vasudeva Datta. He would say, “I am only Vasudeva Datta’s man. My body is meant only to please Vasudeva Datta and he can sell me anywhere.”
Sri Vrindavan Das Thakura’s birthplace: Birthplace of Sri Vrindavan Das Thakura, the dear-most disciple of Lord Nityananda and the author of Sri Caitanya Bhagavata. This is also the ancestral home of Malini Devi, the wife of Srivasa Pandita.


Sankarpura: Lord Caitanya tells Sankarachraya to leave Navadvipa
Nidaya Ghata: This ghata is where Lord Caitanya crossed Ganga to go to Katwa & receive sannyasa from Kesava Bharati. He thus abandoned His aged mother and young bride, and also left behind all His associates whose hearts became completely broken in separation. They felt His act of leaving His family and associates was merciless and so they named this ghata, Nidaya – without mercy.
Belpukura: House of Sacimata’s father Nilambara Cakravarti Thakur and the Deity of Lord Krishna which she worshiped. Deity is 1700 years old.
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