Our Puri

Setting up Home Altar

The purpose of spiritual knowledge is to bring us closer to God, or Krishna. Krishna says in the Bhagavad-gītā (18.55), bhaktyā māṁ abhijānāti: “I can be known only by devotional service.” Knowledge guides us in proper action. Spiritual knowledge directs us to satisfy the desires of Krishna through practical engagements in His loving service. Without practical application, theoretical knowledge is of little value.

Setting up an altar at home means receiving the Lord and His pure devotees as your most honored guests. An ideal place would be clean, well lit, and free from drafts and household disturbances.

Here are the essentials:

  • A picture of Srila Prabhupada. 
  • A picture of Lord Chaitanya and His associates. (Pancha-Tattva)
  • A picture of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. 

In addition, you may want:

  • an altar cloth, 
  • water cups (one for each picture), 
  • lamp, 
  • a special plate for offering food, 
  • a small bell, incense, 
  • an incense holder, 
  • and fresh flowers, which you may offer in vases or simply place before each picture

The first person we worship on the altar is the spiritual master. The spiritual master is not God, but because he is Krishna’s dear most servants and representative, he deserves the same respect as that given to God. We own an immense debt of gratitude to Srila Prabhupada. His books, lectures and life teachings, bring us closer to Krishna. As the founder and spiritual guide of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, he is the instructing guru of us all. 

The second picture on your altar should be of the Pancha-Tattva; Lord Chaitanya and His four principal associates. Lord Chaitanya is the incarnation of God in this age. He is Krishna Himself, descended in the form of a devotee to teach us how to surrender to God. Lord Chaitanya is the most merciful incarnation, for He makes it easy for anyone to attain love of God through the chanting of the Hare Krishna mantra.

And of course, your altar should have a picture of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna, with His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani. Srimati Radharani is Krishna’s spiritual potency. She is Krishna’s most beloved devotee, and anyone who takes shelter of her can learn how to serve Krishna best.

You can arrange the pictures in a triangle, with the picture of Srila Prabhupada on the left, and the picture of Lord Chaitanya and His associates on the right. The picture of Radha and Krishna should be slightly larger and higher than the others, and placed in the center.

You can perform daily worship at the altar by offering such items as incense, water, fruits, and cooked food. You can perform your daily spiritual activities(chanting, reading, singing etc.) in front of the altar.

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